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Gardening Australia
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Venice biennale
The 17th International Architecture Exhibition ‘How Will We Live Together?’
22nd May – 21 November
Curator of the exhibition Architect Hashim Sarkis comments that “we need a new spatial contract. In the context of widening political divides and growing economic inequalities, we call on architects to imagine spaces in which we can generously live together.”
The exhibition includes 112 participants from 46 countries and is structured into five segments: Among Diverse Beings, As New Households, As Emerging Communities, Across Borders, and As One Planet. The exhibition proposes and showcases architectural solutions to contemporary societal, humanistic, ecological, and technological complications.
It exposes the dire necessity for architecture to radicalise alternative ways of universal living, to restructure a more prosperous future.
The film is being exhibited in the primary Italian exhibition space within the Biennale, which attests to its international significance. The film illuminates an exploration into the application of phytoremediation gardens in two post-industrialist sites, and its process of expelling of toxicities and ground contaminates. It is evocative in its demonstration of realistic natural land reconciliation tools and demonstrates the universal necessity for land rehabilitation through its exposition of the interconnection between human and ecological regimes of care.
resilience exhibition
Watt Space Gallery
5th March 2021 – 25th April 2021
The inaugural Building Resilience exhibition at Watt Space Gallery, is curated by researchers at the School of Architecture and Built Environment at the University of Newcastle.
The exhibition fuses the disciplines of Architecture, Construction Management, and Disaster Resilience, to testify to the diverse dimensions of resilience and its multi-disciplinary research. The exhibition consists of innovative research and experimentations, that inform future transformations for land usage, planning, bushfire management, flood risks, green technology, and repurposing industrial waste.
The exhibition highlights the exploration into powerplants to remediate and reconcile abandoned post-industrial sites. The exhibition is an immersive educative experience, highlighting the challenges and opportunities pertinent to our creation of a sustainable and resilient future.
diy guide to phytoremediation gardens
A Do It Yourself (DIY) Guide to Phytoremediation Gardens provides a step by step manual illustrating the process of creating a Phytoremediation garden at home to remove and reduce toxins in contaminated soils. Phytoremediation is a passive remediation process that involves growing plants in a contaminated matrix to remove, stabilise or break down environmental contaminants and pollutants within a plant’s tissue.
Phytoremediation is a sustainable solution to remediating and improving soil quality. The guide demonstrates the process of planting, monitoring, caring, testing, harvesting and disposal. The purpose of this guide is to step you through each stage of the process, allowing you to learn, educate and create your own Phytoremediation Garden in the hope of greater restoration and awareness.